It’s Good to Know
Despite the fact that soybean has been delivered to Russia from warm countries, currently there are more than 2,400 thousand hectares under this crop, the area has doubled for the last 5 years and this is not the limit. As soybean is the scarcest crop in Russia, we can cover only 45% of our demand. Due to the increased demand, the price for commercial soybean in Russia is higher than the world price and it is more than 400 US dollars per ton. Nowadays modern soybean varieties are grown near Moscow, in Siberia, as well as in other natural conditions of our country basically it is grown everywhere. Soybean is not poison, as it is usually promoted by declaring it GMO, moreover it is forbidden to grow genetically modified soybean in Russia, and Russia is one of few countries growing conventional soybeans. In Russia soybean is grown mainly for feeding animals, birds, and fish so far, but once Russians will start consuming dozens of healthy soy products because soybean is not allergic, has no smell and taste, and is the cheapest protein. Soybean is especially useful for the people intolerant to animal proteins.
Soybean Advantages for Growers:
- High price for commercial soybean grain;
- Stable demand due to a huge lack of the crop in Russia;
- An excellent previous crop for the majority of crops in crop rotation;
- Soybean gives the maximum yield and profit in the third year at the same place;
- Soybean is a flexible crop with quick adaptation to new natural conditions;
- Soybean perfectly responds to intensive growing technologies;
- High protein content (up to 43% at moisture free condition) increases the purchase price for commercial soybeans up to 10,000 rubles per 1 ton.
- A wide range of varieties from the earliest with 80 days vegetation period to the late with the vegetation period of more than 130 days;
- Convenient for logistics and storage, due to the average yield of 2.5 t /ha;
Is It Worth Growing Soybeans
Nowadays Russian agricultural producers satisfy the demand for soybean only by 40-50%, the rest volume is imported from America, and this is more than 2.5 million tons of commercial soybean, which is mainly GMO, genetically modified. We offer you the top quality seeds for sowing, which will produce good yield, provided that all the necessary requirements for sowing and crop tending are met, our specialists will provide the recommendations.
Soybean seeds prepared with the new unique equipment, under the close supervision of experienced specialists of SGT (Seed Global Technologies) are special at their high germination, uniformity, special crop protective and stimulating treatment.
New breeding allows growing soybean in all the Black Earth regions such as Voronezh, Belgorod, Lipetsk and others where soybean-processing plants are being built or exist now.
There is a significant soybean interest in Russia due to the lack of protein nutrition not only for animals (dogs, cats, pigs, birds, cattle), but also for humans. The diet of an adult human includes only 32 grams of protein, though the minimum daily rate is 50 g. Soybean takes a dominant position among the crops containing vegetable protein. It is a valuable source of protein, amino acids and vitamins.
Soybean content:
- Protein;
- Vegetable fat;
- Starch, glucose;
- Fructose, sucrose
- Pectins, isoflavonoids, fatty acids;
- Lecithin, choline;
- Enzymes, betta-carotene;
- Phospholipids;
- Vitamins (B, E, D);
- Tocopherols;
- Macro and microelements (iodine, nickel, phosphorus, molybdenum, iron, potassium, boron, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, sodium, silicon, cobalt, manganese, sulfur);
In Russia soybean fields occupy 2% of the total seeded area, in the USA - 37%, in Brazil - 56%, in Argentina - 72%. According to FAO, there is more than a billion people in the world saving up on nutrition, and the lack of a balanced meal is becoming a more urgent problem, so the interest in growing soybeans is increasing all over the world.
Protein content in soybean varieties:
Modern science has not bred any soybean hybrids yet, there are only pure varieties. All soybean varieties can be divided into two groups by protein content: low protein varieties with less than 34% at MFC (moisture free condition) and high protein varieties with more than 34% at MFC, reaching 49% at MFC under Russian conditions. And this was established in the process of breeding and varieties selection. Since 2014, the following PROGRAIN high protein varieties have been especially emphasized: MAXUS, OPUS, KASSIDY. In 2017, we got to know about a new series of varieties: ALASKA, AMADEUS, HANA and others. These are the Canadian breeding varieties, which seeds will be processed at the modern SGT plant, an agreement has already been reached and a contract for the volume of more than 6,000 tons has been signed.
Soybean Seed Drying
In 2016, SGT got a unique experience in drying soybean seeds, having kept the germination rate of more than 2,000 tons, and having reduced the moisture content from 22% to 14%. Only few people in the world can boast of such an experience. And it's an open information that the average price difference between commercial soybean and seed soybean is more than 25,000 rubles per ton. We are getting orders for drying service now, and you can miss your chance.